"..that passeth all understanding"

"..that passeth all understanding" is a song by James Primosch setting a poem by Denise Levertov. The song is the first song of Primosch's song cycle Holy the Firm.

Date: 1999Composer: James PrimoschText: Denise LevertovSong Collection: Holy the Firm

Print vitals & song text


“..that passeth all understanding”
by Denise Levertov

An awe so quiet
I don’t know when it began.

A gratitude
had begun
to sing in me.

Was there
some moment
song from no song?

When does dewfall begin?

When does night
fold its arms over our hearts
to cherish them?

When is daybreak?

–Denise Levertov, Oblique Prayers
New Directions, New York, 1984, p. 85

Sheet Music

Holy the Firm

Composer(s): James Primosch

Voice Type: Soprano

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