
"Loam" is the fourth song of Ruth Crawford Seeger's cycle Five Songs, which sets the text of Carl Sandburg.

Date: 1929Composer: Ruth Crawford SeegerText: Carl SandburgSong Collection: Five Songs

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by Carl Sandburg

In the loam we sleep,
In the cool moist loam,
To the lull of years that pass
And the break of stars,

From the loam, then,
The soft warm loam,
We rise:
To shape of rose leaf,
Of face and shoulder.

We stand, then,
To a whiff of life,
Lifted to the silver of the sun
Over and out of the loam
A day.

Sheet Music

Five Songs

Composer(s): Ruth Crawford Seeger

Song(s): 1. Home Thoughts
2. White Moon
3. Joy
4. Loam
5. Sunsets

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